Metatron hunter 4025 from SSCH company
Correction-Therapy: There is a normal Meta-Therapy (not an Auto-Therapy), but new a Phyto-Therapy, where the herbs work together and there is a Litho-Therapy, where the appropriate jewels and stones come with the Meta-Therapy. So we have three types of Therapy or Corrections.
now ALL vertebra can be scanned; in stead of a group of chromosomes, small families and each separate chromosome can be scanned. Where the organs can be treated with the Protective Therapy in order to raise the energy level, microorganisms can be scanned separately and treated with the Destructive Therapy. There are more libraries.
Now the Hunter 4025 NLS LRIS shows a much larger difference to the Vector NLS and the 8D LRIS. In my opinion, the main point is not this *3D* effect, which I have not seen often, probably because I am not *sick* enough. In my opinion the most important point is the possibility for the *zooming* effect. With it, one can look much deeper into an item, with more details. By clicking on a spot, it goes deeper, and clicking again goes even further in the appropriate items. Sure you can do that in the Vector software, but you must do that manually, and do know which item belongs to which organ, etc. Here it is given automatically. As an example, we take a knee joint. When you get older, one may experience troubles, and the hyaline may not be optimal. Here a normal scan.19 The magnifier lets us make a smaller portion of the image, and places automatically extra nidus points, which can be scanned, see below:
Normally in the Vector software, there is only one item Hyaline, for the whole body. Now with the Hunter 4025 we can pinpoint several different spots to show the state of the Hyaline, and treat them accordingly.
With the Hunter, first one can use the magnifier, to enlarge a portion of the image, and at a certain dimension, extra nidus points are placed, which can be scanned.
For instance the difference between 11 and 12 is clearly visible, and the parts with low level energy can be treated accordingly. So this way it is easier to localize where the problems are situated.
Another example: A transverse section of left Femur.
A treatment of Therapy showed 88% strengthening. In the Analysis, the CSS values were too high and thus not interesting. Nevertheless, a closer look into a vein showed the following:
Looking deeper into the blood of the vein of the femur showed other interesting items.
Looking further into the Lymphocyte brings other items:
Looking into the marked *1* Chromosome and clicking with the *Microscope* further reveals the underlying DNA, which can be treated, and further looking brings at point *4* the *Neu-roblastomas Ultrastructure*, which can also be treated.
The 3D is, although effective, very limited, and outdated.
The latest Vector NLS shows too low CSS values, the Hunter shows too high values, and the 8D LRIS shows in between. The 8D LRIS NLS works fine, and has an enormous extended
It is my impression, that the Therapy/Correction of the Hunter is more powerful.
The winner is the Hunter 4025.
Corrections (Therapy) work fine, also with Herbs or Gems added in the process: It is more powerful, not only visible in the Nidus values, but is also experienced by persons.
So there are three types of Therapy/Correction.
Going into deeper detail, so better detailed Corrections are possible .
Acupuncture on hands, feet, ears and iris.
The advised remedies seem to be more appropriate and better suited than the ones advised by the Vector software, which were not always good after checking proved.
Because of the very high CSS values, hardly a Disease, or a Microorganism is found with reasonable CSS values. Sure, a few were found, but their CSS values are extreme high.
On the other hand, according to the Nidus values, Corrections were very effective.
And, only Microorganisms below a CSS value of 0.750 can be treated.
(With the LRIS one needs several passes, with the VectorNLS one single pass will do, but when I found a microorganism in Hunter4025, I could not change its Nidus value.) Missing libraries:
- Vitamins
- Amino Acids
- Schüssler salts
- Pascoe
- Reckeweg
- Coral Club
- Vita Line
- others
My preferred advice:
A Hunter 4025 for very precise detailed research, plus a 8D LRIS for making homeopathic medicines from its enormous libraries.
PS. There seems to be a discrepancy between the Nidus values and the CSS values.
However, the Nidus values seem to be accurate, and the Therapies do function well.