Laser healing body local pain relief device low level laser therapy lllt machine
Laser Pain Relief Machine Applications:
Painclinic, such as soft tissue injury, heel pain, acute lumbar muscle sprain, scapulohumeral periarthritis, stiff neck, tennis elbow, cervical spondylosis, knee-joint disease of old-people, rheumatoid arthritis, neuropathic pain, wound healing, local infection, chronic pharyngitis,
Women`s Problems, such as pelvic inflammation, annexitis, dysmenorrhea, Inflammation of the vagina itch, mammitis, wound healing, etc (Note: hospital Laser Pain-Relief Instrument are more convenient for privateplace).
Skin disease, such as allergic dermatitis, thromboangiitis obliterans, 15 neurodermatitis, Herpes zoster and after herpes zoster pain, erysipelas, bedsore, eczema, cutaneous pruritus,
Dermatology, such as swollen, cold injury, scald, acne, alopecia areata, alopecia, skin transplantation.
Specifications and Performance
1.Laser medium: GaAlAs – Semiconductor.
2.Terminal laser output:: terminal output maximum for each probe of laser
emitter:500mW±10%, the exit facula diameter of laser beam≤10mm
3. Probe central laser output wavelength: (810±30)nm
4.Beam divergency angle: φx=0.26 rad,φy=0.78 rad
5.Laser output power instability St:: ≤10%.
6.Probe peripheral laser wavelength: 650nm±30nm
7. Time scope and precision: Time range is from 0 to 30 minutes, adjustable by 30seconds, time
error should be less than ± 3%.
We choose the power based on below points:
Choose high power laser(300~500mW), such as muscle strain, sports injury, cervical spondylosis, protrusion of lumbar intervertebral disc (only apply for initial stage), tennis elbow, scapulohumeral periarthritis, rheumatoid joint pain, soft tissue injury, painfulheel
Choosemiddle power laser(200-400mW), such as prosopalgia, pelvic inflammation, prostatitis (hospital instrument applied most, home use instrument also use)
Choose low level laser(100-250mW) Skin diseases, some sensitive place such as face, neck.
Laser Physical Therapy Effects:
● Increase production of ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate).
● Increase cellular metabolism.
● Increase collagen production.
● Increase enzyme production.
● Increase e synthesis
● Better blood flow.
● Better lymphatic flow and drainage.
● Eliminate inflammation.
The Laser Pain Relief Machine consists of mainframe, probe, power line and goggles. The probe, cover, buttons, probe wire, external connectors and so on are all made from medical insulation rubber, non-toxic and no side effects ABS plastic. The protective probe mat and bandage contact with the human body directly, less than 30 minutes. It is a kind of short-time contact .The protective probe mat and bandage have passed biological compatibility test thus they are harmless to the human body. The protective goggles are provided to avoid laser irradiating into eyes, reducing the risk of eyes damage.
Laser Pain Relief Machine Features:
Natural & drugfree
Laser Pain Relief Machine Effects:
Increase production of ATP (AdenosineTriphosphate).
Increase cellular
Increase collagen
Increase enzyme
Increase esynthesis
Better blood
Better lymphatic flow and
Indications of Use:
The energy emitted provides temporary increase in microcirculation, temporary relief of local muscle and joint aches, pains and stiffness, relaxation of muscles; For muscle spasms, minor pain and stiffness associated with arthritis. This machine of laser pain relief instrument is based on laser physical therapy, is used as an adjuvant therapy for acute and chronic diseases, neuropathic pain and dysfunction, acute and chronic sports injury, Rheumatism/rheumatis, infectious & non-infectious inflammation and skin diseases etc.
This instrument should not be used in patients suffering from malignant tumors disease, should not be used on the human body part of eye and thyroid, and should not be used on abdomen and lumbosacral location of pregnant women.
Laser Pain Relief Instrument is a revolutionary treatment option that combines 810nm and 650nm laser light to provide not only fast pain relief from all kinds of pain diseases from back, shoulder, ankle, wrist, neck, elbow or knee, but also lasting pain relief from long-term ailments often responsible for years of suffering. What`s more, it`s easy and convenient to use.
Looking for ideal Homeopathic Pain Relief Manufacturer & supplier ? We have a wide selection at great prices to help you get creative. All the Pain Relief Device are quality guaranteed. We are China Origin Factory of Physical Therapy Laser Treatment. If you have any question, please feel free to contact us.
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